R3 Guide “Is an IVA right for me?”

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This booklet has been prepared by the Association of Business Recovery Professionals, also known as R3. It contains some useful information regarding IVA’s and is a must-read for anybody considering entering a Voluntary Arrangement.

IVA Protocol Terms and Conditions

View IVA Protocol

This document is suitable for all IVA clients. The IVA Protocol terms and conditions are the rules upon which your IVA is based. Please note that this document is to be read alongside your IVA Proposal.

Once your IVA is accepted some of these clauses may be superseded by modifications proposed by your creditors so you will need to check your chairman’s report. If you have any questions regarding any of the information contained above, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Standard conditions for Individual Voluntary Arrangements.

Version 3, January 2013. The terms and conditions are an integral part of the arrangement. In the event of any ambiguity or conflict between the terms and conditions, and the proposal and any modifications to it, then the proposal (as modified) shall prevail.

A Creditors’ Guide to Insolvency Practitioners Fee

IVA Fees – Creditors’ Guide

In a voluntary arrangement, the amount of money available for creditors is likely to be affected by the level of costs, including the remuneration of the insolvency practitioner appointed to implement the arrangement. This guide explains how fees are fixed in voluntary arrangements, how the creditors can affect the level of fees.

Fees and Refunds – A consumer’s guide

IVA Fees – Consumer Guide

An explanation of the fees that we charge and our refunds policy. If you have any questions regarding any of the information contained above, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Insolvency Service

Guidance Publications

The Insolvency Service is a government agency that provides services to those affected by financial distress or failure.

Please call 0800 088 2053 or a contact us if you have any questions or require some assistance with your debts.

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