IVA Acceptance Guidelines
The circumstances and financial situation that contribute to a successful IVA proposal

IVA – Debts You Can Include
Learn which debts are treated as expenditure item and which are included as a creditor.

IVAs for the Self Employed
Combine personal & business debts into an IVA. Avoid bankruptcy and keep trading.

Debt Consolidation Loan or IVA?
See if you can save £1000s with an IVA rather than taking out another loan

Priority Debts in an IVA
The difference between debts as expenditure items and included debts in an IVA explained

Guarantor Loans in an IVA
How guarantor loans are treating in an IVA if you are the borrower or the guarantor.

IVA or Bankruptcy?
An IVA and bankruptcy are both forms of insolvency but they work very differently.

IVAs and Joint Debts
If you have joint debt and include it in your IVA, the other person is still be responsible for making payments towards it.

Your IVA Application and FAQ
Before committing to an IVA we get as much information as possible so we are sure it’s right for you.

IVA Fees and Costs
An explanation of the Fees and Costs associated with Individual Voluntary Arrangements.